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Lab Testing + Compliance

We source our craft grown hemp from partner farms in Oregon and Tennessee.  The plants are all grown using sustainable organic practices and are tested out of the field and again after they are processed. All Master Batches that we create our bases from have been tested for Residual Solvents, Pesticides, Microbial Contaminants, and Heavy Metals. Below you will find potency results for our small batch production. All of our products contain less than 0.3% THC. If you have any questions, please email

Batch: 11221224

Batch: 11221223

Batch: 11221122

Batch: 442158

Batch: 434991

Batch: 408527

WeedSport™ DUNK CBD Muscle Soak (4 oz)

Batch: 11228788

Batch: 11228688

WeedSport Softgel CBD Capsules

WeedSport Softies – Full Spectrum CBD Softgels

Batch: 11221126

CBD Sport Muscle Rub

Batch: 11221234

Batch: 301216

Batch: 176631

Batch: 133962

Batch: 356900

Batch: 233685

Batch: 134515

Batch: 91015

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