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Supreme Athletics

It’s kind of crazy to think that Supreme, a $2.1 Billion skate brand, is a 28-year old company. Founded in New York in 1994, Supreme has been ahead of the times in style and unexpected collaborations for decades. Moving at a slow and steady pace, the brands roots in activity have been present in many of the items it has produced through the years. With an emphasis on all aspects of Sport, we dug through the Supreme archives to showcase some of the standout accessories from seasons past.

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Squid Game Has Us Shopping for Tracksuits

Like literally everyone else on earth with a Netflix account and an internet connection, we’ve been watching Squid Game. A perfect accompaniment to a recovery day, the binge-worthy Korean TV Series is a survival drama to the max, where hundreds of cash-strapped players compete in children’s games to win a life-changing prize. While the storyline is the star of the show, we couldn’t help but admire the player’s gear, simple green tracksuits, and envision ourselves wearing one for the game called life. Here, 10 tracksuits to help you compete in the real world.

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Hydration for the Heads: Mister Green’s Bong Water

Unless your algorithm has been steering you in the wrong directions, you’ve seen the bong water Nalgene. Maybe even bought it. Effective messaging in a simple bold serif, with multiple colors to choose from, this water bottle has hydrated heads across the globe. The brainchild of Ariel Stark-Benz under his Mister Green brand, Bong Water’s ubiquity is a nod to Mister Green’s foresight and a feather in the cap for the burgeoning cannabis scene. Instead of talking with Ariel about all the other great things that he creates, we texted back and forth for an interview specifically about the water bottle. What follows is exactly that.

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Victory Lap

Links from around the web

There Is A Tennis Ball Shortage Too Now
The First Woman to Thru-Hike the Appalachian Trail Alone Did It as a ‘Lark’
One Man’s Amazing Journey to the Center of the Bowling Ball
Views from the Lagos Lawn Tennis Club
These Yoga Stretches Will Help You Have Your Best Run—And Recovery—Ever
How Walking Can Build Up the Brain
Is medical cannabis really a magic bullet?
Allen Iverson and Al Harrington on the Transformative Power of Cannabis
Dazzling Washington, Nadal Wins Even as He Loses
How to Get Luckier
Seeking a Grand Theory of Injury Prevention
Study Shows Cannabis Consumers Are Successful, Motivated, Health-Conscious
Why Do Tennis Crowds Have to Be So Quiet?


Love In The Time of Magic: The NBA’s 1990s sexual revolution

10 Independent Sports Magazines to Check Out Now

By Nicole Campoy Jackson

In recent years, we’ve seen a boom in athletic aesthetics, with small, independent sport-focused publications growing both in readership and in number. Where once Victory Journal held the niche, it now has company. These ambitious magazines bridge the gap between extraordinary professionals, fans, and the everyday athlete. More than that, they elevate what’s on offer far beyond box scores and memorabilia. Some are focused on sports as they connect with music, photography, and culture at large. Some are focused on a single pursuit, diving deep into the people and places of tennis, golf, and skateboarding. All clearly have design sensibilities more esoteric than those of Sports Illustrated. So, get ready to make some room on your coffee table, here are 10 titles that we’re currently spending time with.

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