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The Year in Review: 2021

Finishing 2021 out strong, we’re taking a moment to look back and reflect on the year as it ends. 365 days is a long time and it’s amazing to see how much we can all pack in. Thank you to all of our community for the endless support and welcome to all the new heads who discovered WeedSport this year. Here, our 2021 Year in Review.

We launched 3 new products this year, each with sustainability in mind, and moved towards reducing waste and using less plastic overall.

DUNK ZERO: Inspired by Coastal Forests and utilizing compostable packaging and adhesives, our DUNK ZERO CBD Bath Salt collaboration with MATEK left no trace behind.

TOTAL BODY: Contained in a push-up 100% Paperboard container, our TOTAL BODY stick exclusive for Urban Outfitters introduced a new scent profile to our team.

MUSCLE STICK: An upgrade from our OG Muscle Rub, the WeedSport Muscle Stick is contained in a hybrid twist-up paperboard / plastic container and features double the cannabinoids.

We collaborated with Areté to create a unique Performance Towel for the WeedSport Athlete.

WeedSport products were featured across a wide array of press and media.

WeedSport went on a climbing adventure to Red Rock Canyon in Nevada with photographer ASATO iiDA.

We were fortunate enough to be able to share the stories and insight from some of the talented members of our network to the community at-large.

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