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11 Books to Make You a Better Sport

The day after any great workout there is the opportunity to tuck away indoors, turn off the screens, and cozy up with a good old-fashioned book. While sitting still seems to be an increasingly difficult feat, here are 11 titles that will keep your attention and help you recover intelligently this Fall.

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Maverick: More than a Game

If you ever stumble across this book in a bookstore, buy it. Phil Jackson’s rare Maverick: More Than a Game chronicles the early playing career of the “Zen Master” and NBA Hall of Fame coach. Beyond just basketball, Phil Jackson describes his quest to find spirituality and balance while playing with the New York Knicks, and candidly speaks of his exploration into cannabis and LSD. One of the few active vegetarians in pro sports at the time, Phil Jackson’s approach to life and the game is only now becoming commonplace. A Maverick, indeed.


The Zen of Running

If you’ve ever imagined yourself really embracing a back-to-earth lifestyle while still logging miles, then Fred Rohé’s contemplative running book from 1974 will be your guide.

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10 Independent Sports Magazines to Check Out Now

By Nicole Campoy Jackson

In recent years, we’ve seen a boom in athletic aesthetics, with small, independent sport-focused publications growing both in readership and in number. Where once Victory Journal held the niche, it now has company. These ambitious magazines bridge the gap between extraordinary professionals, fans, and the everyday athlete. More than that, they elevate what’s on offer far beyond box scores and memorabilia. Some are focused on sports as they connect with music, photography, and culture at large. Some are focused on a single pursuit, diving deep into the people and places of tennis, golf, and skateboarding. All clearly have design sensibilities more esoteric than those of Sports Illustrated. So, get ready to make some room on your coffee table, here are 10 titles that we’re currently spending time with.

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Infinite Jest by David Foster Wallace

This may be your one true chance to start AND FINISH David Foster Wallace’s magnum opus. Tennis, entertainment, and family dynamics packed into 1079 pages. There’s also a 56-hour audiobook if you’re keen to listen.

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